Formula S7: Thrilled to Be Part of the Wolf & Badger Community—Where Female-Owned, Sustainable, and Ethical Businesses Shine!

Formula S7: Thrilled to Be Part of the Wolf & Badger Community—Where Female-Owned, Sustainable, and Ethical Businesses Shine!

As a fellow female founder, I couldn't be more excited to share some fantastic news with you. We're absolutely buzzing to be part of the Wolf & Badger community, as they recently released their 2024 impact report! W&B is a platform that not only celebrates female-owned businesses, like ours: Formula S7, but also illuminates sustainable and ethical fashion brands. Let me take you on a journey through why this partnership means the world to us and how it's helping us make a positive impact in the fashion industry.

Celebrating Female-Owned Businesses

Did you know that 80% of the designers on Wolf & Badger identify as female? That’s right! Being in a community that uplifts and supports female entrepreneurs is incredibly empowering. It’s like having a sisterhood of creative, driven women all working towards a common goal—making the world of fashion fairer, kinder, and more unique!

Wolf & Badger's Inspiring Annual Report

Wolf & Badger recently released their annual impact report, and let me tell you, it’s a treasure trove of inspiration. Here are some highlights that got us doing a happy dance:

  • Independent Brands Rule: Every single brand on their platform is independently owned. This means more creativity, more unique products, and more opportunities for small businesses to thrive.
  • Diverse and Proud: Beyond the female representation, over 50% of their designers come from ethnic minority groups. This diversity brings a rich tapestry of cultures and perspectives to the fashion scene.
  • Fair Pay for All: Ensuring that all workers are paid at least the minimum wage is a baseline standard. Happy workers make beautiful products, and fair pay is where it starts.
  • Global Goodness: With brands from over 70 countries, shopping on Wolf & Badger is like taking a stylist's dream trip around the world.
  • Organic Awesomeness: They stock over 2,700 organic products online. That’s a lot of planet-friendly fashion!
  • Small Studio Magic: 56% of their brands manufacture in small studios. This means more attention to detail, artisanal craftsmanship, and a lower environmental impact.

Our Shared Mission and Goals

At Formula S7, we’re all about making a difference—just like our friends at Wolf & Badger. Here are some of the goals we’re collectively working towards:

  • Living Wages for All: Because everyone deserves fair pay and a happy workplace.
  • Incentivizing ESG Best Practices: We’re committed to the highest Environmental, Social, and Governance standards, just like Wolf & Badger. Our guarantees include being an independent brand, ensuring happy workers, celebrating skilled artisans, using responsible packaging, and preferring ethically sourced animal materials.
  • Boosting ESG Awareness: We love educating our customers and fellow brands about the importance of sustainability and ethical practices.
  • Optimizing for Circularity: Reducing waste and promoting a circular economy is a big part of our mission.
  • Reaching Net Zero: We’re on a journey to reduce our carbon footprint and we’re thrilled to have Wolf & Badger by our side.

Formula S7’s Commitment to Ethical Fashion

We at Formula S7 stand firm on our promises:

  • Independent Brand: Independence means freedom to innovate and stay true to our values.
  • Happy Worker: Fair wages and safe working conditions are non-negotiable for us.
  • Skilled Artisan: We celebrate the incredible craftsmanship of artisans, with half of our designs being hand-made, one of a kind pieces. 
  • Responsible Packaging: Our packaging choices reflect our commitment to sustainability.
  • Preferred Animal Material: Ethically sourced materials ensure we’re kind to our animal friends.

Join Us on This Ethical Fashion Adventure!

Being part of the Wolf & Badger community is like being in a dream team of ethical fashion pioneers. Their commitment to transparency through annual reports and their drive to continually improve their sustainability strategy is something we’re incredibly proud to be associated with and learn from. 

Join us on this exciting adventure by supporting brands like Formula S7 and shopping on platforms like Wolf & Badger. Where you’re making a conscious choice to support ethical and sustainable fashion. Let’s create a brighter, more stylish, and more sustainable future together. Here’s to making fashion fair and unique! 


Founder & Creative Director 

Formula S7


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